Thursday, April 17, 2008

Installing Kiba-dock in Ubuntu Hardy

I know I said that I will try to post more about math, and I will do this. But for some reason the topics I feel a desire to write about now have a rather week connection to math. Anyway, Math Pages is not only about math, it is also about physics and computers so I don't think that I am going too far away by posting about my experience with Ubuntu Hardy. This post is a short guide for installing Kiba-Dock in Ubuntu Hardy.

For some reason Kiba-dock is not in the official repositories. Moreover, it is not available in any other repository I know about, except for Trevino. But the version in there doesn't work on Hardy.
This means that the only way to install it is to build it from source. Gladly this is very simple to do.

First of all you need to make sure you have all the required packages. Type the following in the Terminal:
sudo apt-get install fakeroot automake1.9 build-essential libpango1.0-dev libgtk2.0-dev libgconf2-dev libglitz-glx1-dev librsvg2-dev libglade2-dev libxcomposite-dev subversion libtool libgtop2-dev python-gtk2-dev libgnome-menu-dev libgnomeui-dev libgnomevfs2-dev intltool libxml2-dev libglitz1-dev libcairo2 libdbus-1-dev libgtop2-7 libgnomevfs2-0 libgnomeui-0 librsvg2-2 python-feedparser libasound2-dev libsdl1.2-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-dev libgstreamer0.10-dev libgstreamer0.10-0 pidgin-dev libpurple-dev subversion

Now we can download the code:
svn co kiba

A new folder "kiba" should appear now at your Home folder. All what is left to do is to compile all the components one by one. The order of compiling is important - you need to build akamaru firstly, then the dock and then the rest. You can do this either manually or by using the script linked in the end.
To compile akamaru type the following commands (one by one):
cd kiba/akamaru
sudo make install

Now you need to repeat it for the rest. To do it simply replace "akamaru" in the first line with the appropriate folder name. Alternatively, you can download this little script (you will still need to install all the required packages firstly for it to compile). In order for it to work you need to make it executable. To do this right-click on it and go to Properties ->Permissions ->Allow executing file as program. This is all - just open it and select Run or Run in Terminal - it will take a few minutes to complete.

Update: It might be useful (especially if you did a clean install of Hardy) to add extra repositories to your default list. You can read my post Hardy Repositories for instructions on how to get a large repository list, with all the required keys.
Update 2: Programs that were installed using the make install command cannot be removed using apt-get or synaptic. If for some reason you want to remove or reinstall Kiba-dock follow the instructions in the post Uninstalling Kiba-dock.


  1. Hi, thanks for the instructions. It was helpful. Looks like your script has a error ( I think it follows from ur code that u have posted here in the page. ). You have missed out the .. in cd.. - the last command and the error has been repeated in ur script too. --R

  2. Hello Anonymous,
    You mean that the cd in the last line has no directory specified? This is not an error, this line is for returning back to the home directory. It is possible to run "$HOME/Kiba/kiba-dock" in one line instead but it is slightly longer to type.

  3. Hi, Anatoly! Nice guide! But I have a one problem with using it...
    I've installed all stuff from directories but ephy-extension..
    When I run I have following messages and then halt of configuring..

    checking for gconftool-2... /usr/bin/gconftool-2
    Using config source xml:merged:/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults for schema installation
    Using $(sysconfdir)/gconf/schemas as install directory for schema files
    ./configure: line 21741: GNOME_COMMON_INIT: command not found
    ./configure: line 21742: GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK: command not found
    ./configure: line 21743: syntax error near unexpected token `maximum'
    ./configure: line 21743: `GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS(maximum)'

    I've already updated my system with using of new repositries and installed all required packages.
    Kiba-Dock starts but I haven't Akamaru in it.. no physics...:(
    Can you help me with this problem?

  4. Hello egobra1n,
    Unfortunately, akamaru is not working in the SVN version of kiba-dock. The developers plan to change this - so the only thing we can do is wait.
    I don't use epiphany, so I didn't install ephy-extension. I tried to do it now and got the same error. It seems to be a bug. To fix it edit the configuration file - remove:

  5. Hello. The installation was pretty fine, but when i try to configure the effects like zoom, batery, etc nothing happens!! the effects working are minimum

  6. Hello Tenoch,
    1. Make sure the DBUS plugin is turned on.
    2. Run in terminal
    kiba-dock --verbose
    Try to turn on/off the effects that don't work. Also check if there are any messages about missing plugins.

    If this doesn't solve the problem, email me the output of kiba-dock --verbose. There is a link to my email in the sidebar.

  7. ** (kiba-dock:1164): WARNING **: Error (plugin.c @ line 434):
    '/usr/local/lib/kiba-dock/dock_plugins/' is not loadable

    This has drawn my attention I don't think this is good, how can I fix it?

  8. Yannick, this error usually means that the DBUS plugin was not compiled successfully.
    To check this try to compile it manually:

    cd kiba/kiba-dbus-plugins

    If all went fine, you will get a message to type make.
    Also make sure you have the packages python-gtk2-dev python-gtk2 installed.

  9. Nice little guide. One thing you might want to add is the user can use checkinstall at the "make install" step. It's not installed by default, so just do "sudo apt-get install checkinstall", then for each component of Kiba-Dock, do "sudo checkinstall -d make install" instead of just "sudo make install". This will give you a nice little easily-removable .deb package so you don't have to keep the sources around in case you want to uninstall later. Just remember that you should only use these packages on your own system - they're not intended to be redistributed as they don't have any depency-checking, etc.

  10. Thanks for this guide, I would like to know if this works for 64 bits ubuntu... Thanks in advance

  11. Hello Anonymous,
    I don't know about 64 bits, my system is 32 bit so I cannot check this.

  12. Hi,

    Thanks for the guide, great work :o)) I just installed on x64, no issues except for epgy-extension, I also do compiz with cubes etc.

  13. Hi, Anatoly,

    Thanks for your nice guide. I've made it except for ephy-extension. I encounter the same errors as egobra1n did. It seems that we need 'gnome-common' package to eliminate GNOME_COMMON_INIT, GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK etc. errors. But after that, new errors appears:

    checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt
    checking for xgettext... (cached) /usr/bin/xgettext
    ./configure: line 23967: syntax error near unexpected token `$EPIPHANY_API_VERSION,'

    Unfortunately, I can't solve it this time...

    By the way, how did you find out all of the dependent packages needed by kiba-dock for Hardy. I'm curious how did you find them..... Thanks :)

  14. Hello Justin,
    Unfortunately I don't know how to fix epiphany.
    I found all the packages on the official kiba dock site and in Ubuntu forums.

  15. sachin@sachin-desktop:~/kiba-dock/kiba-dbus-plugins$ kiba-dock

    ** (kiba-dock:1741): WARNING **: Error (plugin.c @ line 232):
    '/usr/local/lib/kiba-dock/' is not loadable

    i got above error after command kiba-dock
