Saturday, April 12, 2008

Micro black holes

While this subject sound like something not very real (and for a good reason) it became somewhat important to the general public in the last years. The reason for this is the Large Hardon Collider - LHC. While it is still only a theory, many people think that it might produce micro black holes that would destroy our world. I already wrote what I think about this danger in the post The horror of LHC. There is simply no reason what so ever to expect that these black holes even if they will be created will posses any danger. You can also read more about it this nice article: Help! A black hole ate my lab.

On a more general note, I never managed to understand why people who clearly don't have even basic knowledge of physics tend to speak their opinions about it so loudly. It doesn't happen only in this field of science of course, but why does it happen at all? It is how the world works I guess...

I am now on winter vacation - this means that I have more free time, but I also have a lot of stuff to do. Hopefully I will manage to keep this blog updated with more math related content, for some reason I didn't wrote about math for a long time...


  1. You seem to have missed the 's' off maths!!??

  2. Hello Anonymous,
    No, I didn't missed it. There are simply two ways of writing - "The word mathematics is often shortened to math in English-speaking North America and to maths elsewhere". See the Wikipedia article.
